Donations & Fundraising

How To Support Our Mission

There are many ways you can help support CAS in achieving our Mission. Your donations and support can make a world of difference in the lives of individuals we support.

  • In-Kind Gifts: Donate a service to one of our programs that enhances its appearance or functionality for those living or working there. Some examples can include contractor hours, equipment such as generators, or IT devices such as iPads and laptops.
  • Direct Cash Donation: A charitable contribution to our HELP Fund can help pay for essential care items, services, or therapies not covered by insurance or Medicare funds for individuals for those we serve with limited resources.

Together, we can create new possibilities. Interested in making a Direct Cash Donation, donating In-Kind Gifts, or donating items to our Clothing Resale Store?  Contact Juanita: or call (503) 597-4086 .

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